There will never be enough kids activities. Don't even try and do the same thing twice, they will soon let you know that they've already done it. Especially if they get bored quickly.
We have a few kids activities that is not the usual activity that you will find them doing. What is different with these one's is that they need some assistance. This is a great way in building that parent-child-relationship.
Create a scrapbook together
This can be fairly easy or complicated, it depends on how much your child will enjoy sitting still. Start by making color copies of a few photo's. Especially photo's of your preschooler and the friends. Color copies are cheaper than the real print. You can then get some colored scrap paper, accessories like ribbons, buttons etc. Let them do the cutting out and pasting. You must just be the guide.Take this time to talk about friendship. How important it is and how to be a good friend.
Make a time capsule
Many people do not know what a time capsule is. It is a little box (preferable made out of stainless steel or some kind of metal). You add things in this box, like newspaper clippings, photo's of the family, toys etc. This box is then buried somewhere in your garden. This could be a long wait for your preschooler, but you need to explain to them that it will be worth the wait. The box is thentaken out 1 year or 10 years later - depend on your circumstances. Remember to make a note about this box. Maybe in your filing system where you can see it now and then.
What you preschooler need to do is to decorate this box. You can even be more creative and buy a petty cash box where your preschooler can keep the key on a chain.
Make a bird feeder
Some of our kids activities will need constant attention. Example: Once you start feeding birds you will need to keep going as the birds get used to the idea that their is always food. This could be a great "adopt a pet project" for your kids. The most known way of making an easy bird feeder is to find a pine cone and some strings. Tie the string to the top of the pine cone, make sure it is tied tight. You then need to cover the pine with various different foods. To make things stick you can cover the cone with peanut butter and then roll it in bird seed. Hang it up in a strategic place. A place where your family can observe the birds daily and even take notes on what birds you've seen.

Take some photo's together
Professional photo's can be very expensive. Be your own photographer for one day. Let your child dress up and take a few really nice photo's with great backgrounds. Have fun and be creative. There are many ways in capturing the perfect picture. Let them play naturally while you take the photo's.
Invite friends and roast marshmallows
You do not only need to invite your preschoolers friends for birthday parties. Invite them to roast marshmallows. This is probably one of the only activities I would let my children do that is not healthy, purely because of the fun factor. It also gives you as the parent the opportunity to talk about the risks of fire.
Bake some cookies
Wow, this can be fun and a real mess, but I've never seen a preschooler that do not want to bake some cookies. So, put on those aprons, and start cooking - remember the all so important safety rules when cooking with kids.
Research your family tree
Have to admit. I've always wanted to do this. My reason for this is because it can become time consuming, especially if your surname is not commonly known all over the world.
Visit a farm/zoo
If you do not have a zoo or live close to a farm, then you can always look up petting picnic spots. They are people who have a few animals on their property. You basicallypay a nominal fee and then you children can feed the farm animals. Very enjoyable. Remember your picnic basket full of healthy treats.
Please take note:
Somekids activities can have an emotional side to it. We have a few kids activities below that can create some emotion. Just be sure that you are there with them and that you discuss things with them. It is not easy to say what they will ask or how they will react, just be there! My son is one of those children that will say right in front of the old people: "Mom, can't we adopt the Granny!"
Get involved in the community
With this oneyou need to ensure you choose something that will not be too emotional for your child. Something great could be a visit to a retirement home. Make up a few snack baskets (small but beautifully decorated) and let your children give them out.
Make an obstacle course in your garden and enjoy it together
A very good way to get the little bodies work. Get some old tires, ladders and various objects that can be used in your garden. Set up your obstacle course andlet them work their way through it. Remember, you also need to join in. Preschoolers love watching their parents do physical things. Somehow it makes them laugh. Maybe, they think you are too old!
It is really not hard to find kids activities that can be enjoyed by both parent and child. You just need to look around you. Even shopping can be adventurous. I know that it can also be a daunting task, but if you make sure your preschoolers tummy is full and she/he is not tired, then believe me you can have an amazing time!
If you want more structured activities, then you can also offer them some worksheets- our free preschool printables are a great starting point. They are all fun and educational.
We have many kids activities, browse our site and enjoy every moment.
Raise your toddler and have all the fun while you are doing just that!